Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans Explained

22-August-2024 11:55
in Commercial
by Sam Hodgson
Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans

In today's dynamic business landscape, access to capital is crucial for growth and innovation. The UK government's new Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans are set to revolutionise how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) secure funding for expansion.

This initiative, which replaces the successful Recovery Loan Scheme, addresses a critical funding gap and empowers businesses to reach their full potential.

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Table of Contents

What are Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans?

How GGS Loans Work

Key Features & Benefits GGS Loans

Eligibility and Application Process

Maximising GGS Loans with Complementary Finance

Case Study: Optimising Finance with GGS

The Future of Business Funding

How Clifton Private Finance Can Help

What are Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans?

Growth Guarantee Scheme (GGS) Loans are a government-backed initiative designed to support UK SMEs in accessing the funding they need to grow and expand.

  • Launched in April 2023, it’s a £3 billion scheme - aiming to bridge the funding gap that often hinders smaller businesses from scaling up operations or investing in innovations.

For high-growth businesses, especially those in tech-focused or innovative sectors, traditional lending often falls short. GGS Loans provide a crucial lifeline, enabling companies to leverage their growth potential without diluting equity or over-stretching their resources.

This is a particularly useful scheme in the post-Brexit and post-pandemic landscape, where many businesses are seeking to rebuild and expand.

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How GGS Loans Work

The Growth Guarantee Scheme operates on a partnership between the UK government and accredited lenders. Here's a breakdown of how it functions:

  • Government Guarantee: The UK government provides a 70% guarantee to lenders for each loan made under the scheme. This significantly reduces the risk for banks and financial institutions, making them more likely to approve loans for SMEs.
  • Lender Participation: Accredited lenders, including major banks and alternative finance providers, offer the loans. This diverse network ensures businesses have multiple options when seeking funding.

Loan Terms

terms will always vary according to different lenders – typically, the loan can be tailored to your specific business needs. Here what is usually offered from GGS Loans:

  • Repayment periods of up to 6 years
  • Competitive interest rates, influenced by the government backing
  • No personal guarantees required for loans under £250,000.

Asset Finance Costs

Key Features & Benefits GGS Loans

Substantial Loan Amounts

  • Businesses can borrow between £1 million and £10 million under the GGS, providing significant capital for major growth initiatives.
  • Whether you’re expanding your facilities, investing in cutting-edge equipment, or exploring new markets, the GGS offers the financial support you need.

Wide Eligibility

  • The GGS is open to UK businesses with an annual turnover of up to £45 million.
  • From start-ups to established companies, the scheme supports a diverse range of SMEs across various industries.

Flexible Usage

GGS loans can fund a variety of growth-related activities:

  • Investment in New Equipment: Upgrade machinery, technology, or infrastructure.
  • Market Expansion: Explore new territories or customer segments.
  • Product and Service Development: Innovate and create new offerings.

Competitive Terms

  • Government backing often results in more favourable interest rates and terms compared to standard commercial loans.
  • Loans such as these allow for the most cost-effective financing options.

No Early Repayment Fees

  • Businesses can repay GGS loans early without penalties.
  • Enjoy flexibility as your financial situation improves.

Eligibility and Application Process

To qualify for a GGS Loan, businesses must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a UK-based business
  • Have an annual turnover not exceeding £45 million
  • Demonstrate that the business would be viable were it not for the pandemic
  • Show that the business has been adversely impacted by the pandemic. Importantly, this dual assessment ensures that the GGS supports businesses genuinely in need.

The application process typically involves:

  • Choosing an accredited lender - always consider factors such as interest rates, terms, and reputation.
  • Preparing a solid business plan and financial projections
  • Submitting an application with required documentation – documents such as; cash flow forecast, business plan, latest annual accounts etc.
  • Undergoing the lender's assessment process - expect credit checks and fraud assessments. They’ll also evaluate your application based on viability, creditworthiness, and growth potential.

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See the latest market news below.

2024 Business Finance Market Update

In the past year, business finance saw significant growth, perhaps surprisingly driven by challenger lenders and alternative finance providers. Many of these lenders reached their largest milestones in 2024, primarily through supporting SMEs that may have struggled to access traditional funding elsewhere.

Businesses are continuing to face significant economic challenges carried over from 2023. High inflation, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions persist, which have complicated financial planning and made it difficult for businesses to acquire funding.

But the Bank of England has cut its base interest rate for the first time in 4 years, signalling a cautious shift toward economic stabilisation after years of inflationary pressure. Further cuts are anticipated, and businesses can expect a flurry of spending in the coming months.

As well as this, a number of banks and large firms seem to be racing to the finish line to implement generative AI and new technology that could streamline business and boost profits. Enhancing tech in banking looks like a win-win for lenders and borrowers, offering more personalised financial solutions and a quicker, more secure process.

In the tech industry, investments in AI are reshaping business. Tech giants like Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft have seen their market values surge, driven by the rush to implement AI.

Maximising GGS Loans with Complementary Finance

At Clifton Private Finance, we specialise in creating comprehensive finance packages that leverage GGS Loans alongside other forms of business finance. This approach ensures you're getting the most efficient and cost-effective funding solution for your business.

Here's how we can combine various financial products:

  • Asset Finance: We can use GGS Loans in conjunction with asset finance to fund significant equipment or machinery purchases. This combination can provide higher funding amounts or more favourable terms, allowing for larger investments in growth-driving assets.
  • Refinancing: If you have existing loans or finance agreements, we can explore refinancing options alongside a GGS Loan. This can potentially lower your overall interest rates and improve cash flow.
  • Cash Flow Loans: For businesses with fluctuating income, we might recommend combining a GGS Loan with cash flow solutions like Merchant Cash Advances (MCA). This ensures you have both long-term growth capital and flexible short-term funding.
  • Invoice Finance: We can structure a finance package that includes invoice finance alongside a GGS Loan. This combination provides both growth capital and improved working capital management.
  • Commercial Mortgages: For businesses looking to invest in property, we can explore how a GGS Loan might complement a commercial mortgage, potentially reducing deposit requirements or securing better terms.

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Case Study: Optimising Finance with GGS

While the Growth Guarantee Scheme is new, our experience with similar government-backed initiatives demonstrates the power of combining such schemes with other financing options.

Consider this recent case:

You can read the full case study here.

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The Future of Business Funding

As the UK economy continues to evolve, initiatives like the Growth Guarantee Scheme Loans play a vital role in fostering innovation and driving economic growth. At Clifton Private Finance, we're at the forefront of this evolution, ready to help your business navigate the changing landscape of finance.

The GGS Loans scheme represents a significant opportunity for UK SMEs to accelerate their growth and contribute to the nation's economic recovery. By providing easier access to substantial funding, it encourages businesses to invest in innovation, job creation, and increased productivity.

How Clifton Private Finance Can Help

We understand that every business's financial needs are unique. Our expertise lies in crafting bespoke funding solutions that maximise the benefits of schemes like GGS Loans while incorporating other forms of business finance.

Here's how we can help:

  • Comprehensive Financial Assessment: We analyse your business's financial position, growth plans, and existing assets to determine the most effective funding strategy. This holistic approach ensures we consider all aspects of your business when recommending financial solutions.
  • Navigating the GGS Application Process: Our team of experts can guide you through the intricacies of applying for a GGS Loan, helping you prepare a compelling application that highlights your business's potential and increases your chances of approval.
  • Blended Finance Solutions: By combining GGS Loans with other financial products, we create a tailored package that optimises your capital structure and supports your growth objectives.
  • Ongoing Support and Advice: Our relationship doesn't end once you secure funding. We provide ongoing support and advice to help you manage your finances effectively as your business grows.

Ready to unlock your business's potential? Book a free consultation with our specialist advisors today. Remember, while GGS Loans offer exciting opportunities, it's crucial to approach them with a clear understanding of both the benefits and potential risks.

To get a bespoke quote for your requirements, use our calculator below:

How much do you want to borrow?

Our team is here to guide you through every step of the process, helping you make informed decisions that align with your business goals. To see what we can do for you, give us a call at 0203 900 4322

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